martes, 17 de junio de 2008

I love the gays

Several people from my office, including myself, went to San Francisco City Hall to see our friends Mali and Elizabeth get married again. The first time was 4 years ago and they had no time to plan for anything (and I didn't know them yet so I wasn't there that time around.) This time they had a week to choose flowers, a lovely cake, and send out an evite. It was a beautiful ceremony, short but everything was just right. Elizabeth's mother flew in for the ceremony, she read from the court decision and wished the couple well, it was very moving.

Big T was able to pick up Little Lu from daycare with enough time to see the end of the ceremony. Mali is Persian so while two people held a shawl over their heads, friends and family took turns rubbing two sugar cones together and wishing them a sweet life together.

I am so honored to have been there and that my daughter was there. She doesn't know it yet, but she was present at an incredibly important time in our history. Acceptance takes a while and this is just a small step in that direction. [I will post pictures of the whole event tonight. Done.] Yay San Francisco! Yay love! Yay marriage for all!

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